Our Partners
The Correctional Education Association (CEA), Region One, is a professional association of educators and administrators who work in adult and juvenile corrections settings in NJ, NY, PA, MA, NH, VT, ME, CT, and eastern Canada. They provide critical training, cutting-edge research, and valuable networking opportunities to their members so they can deliver effective, life-changing education to their students. CEA helps its members stay informed about the latest developments in educational practice and the corrections industry.

Since 1980, educational-advisor.com has been providing In-Service Training for multiple school districts in multiple states and Individual Educational Evaluations and Consultations, founded by Dr. Miriam (Cherkes-Julkowski) Swenson, specializing in AD/HD, Learning Disabilities, Gifted, Autism, and Social Adjustment. Her effective evaluations describe strengths and weaknesses, uncovers hidden strengths, explains the specific nature of a disability or problem, how it interferes with learning, and prescribes detailed steps to take as intervention. Her long-held theoretical and research interest in the importance of the rime in learning to read makes her a natural fan of Noah Text.
Green Kids Club (GKC) was founded by Sylvia Medina, an environmental engineer, activist, and mother of three. GKC encourages children to be the protectors of our environment and endangered species. GKC works with, and, by donating sales proceeds from its books, supports non-profit initiatives including Elephants Without Borders, Love the Wild Foundation, Saving the Survivors, The Cougar Fund, and Orang Utan Republik Foundation. GKC also works with schools across the USA and internationally, including locations in Belize and Botswana.

MackinVIA™ is a complete digital content management system created to provide schools with easy access to their collection of eBooks, digital audiobooks, online databases, approved web links, videos and more. It was intricately designed by Mackin from the ground up, with the needs of students, teachers, librarians and administrators in mind. Working with an ever-growing list of digital publishers, MackinVIA provides access to nearly 350,000 digital resources in a variety of formats and is presently used by nearly 9 million students around the globe.

New Century Education Foundation, based in Pennsylvania, is a 501 c-3 not-for-profit that designs, develops, and distributes comprehensive educational software products for the diagnosis, instruction, and assessment of deeply underperforming and highly challenged students who are functioning from Kindergarten level to early High School levels. Originally a publisher of academic research in educational psychology, New Century's product development includes the work of educational psychologists and curriculum experts from Harvard, Columbia Teachers College, Princeton Center for Education, UCLA, MSU, and Penn State.
Readeezy was developed by Maria Finaro Cleary, a school superintendent with a disabled daughter who pretty much stopped reading when she was about 11 years old. In fact, she struggled so much with books that she often said, “Reading makes my brain hurt.” Dr. Cleary has dedicated Readeezy to reluctant and challenged readers everywhere, especially those who are teens and young adults. Why? By the time they reach this age, there are few books for them to really enjoy. If they have pictures, they are often too juvenile. If they have age-appropriate stories, the vocabulary and sentence structure is sometimes difficult. Readeezy is different. It is an online platform of books that provides illustrations, animations, text to speech, and interactive questions to invite readers to actively participate in the story. And they can do it independently! Email maria@readeezy for more information.

Rhode Island Tutorial & Educational Services (RITES) is a consortium of educators dedicated to improving the academic outcome for students of all ages. We do this through a diverse range of services for students with a specialized focus on literacy. RITES improves academic outcomes through 1-to-1, personalized multi-sensory tutoring and small-group classes taught by highly skilled master teachers. RITES provides the tools and strategies for success, whether a student struggles with a language-based disorder, just needs to master the content of a particular subject, or is looking for enrichment and high-achieving goals, such as SAT/ACT test prep. The RITES approach ensures tailored instruction, tracked progress, close parent communication, and ongoing resources for families throughout Rhode Island, southeastern Massachusetts, and beyond.

The BLPS Group is a premier provider of educational website and application
development, instructional design, project management, and educational publishing services. They’re dedicated to providing the most intuitive products for users, the most enriching experience for learners, and the most efficient and high-quality services for publishers, content providers, and solutions platforms. Their main initiative is Gateway2Achieve™, a next-generation learning solution.

The Mad Dash was founded by Tom Kiernan. As the author and creator of The Mad Dash, Tom's vision is to promote, support, and participate in healing activities everywhere. As a certified yoga instructor, marathon runner, husband, and father of two boys, Tom is passionate about the healing arts, "Our story is about friendship and healing. The Mad Dash takes our readers on a journey to find a cure to one of the world's most elusive ailments—cancer. But more importantly, it's about the approach and attitude when facing this challenge."